
发布时间:2021-05-24 09:17:15


  王德山 张娜


  关键词:设立中的公司 民事责任 设立登记

  Studies on the Company in Establishment

  Wang de_shan Zhang na

  (Law Department, Capital University of Economics and Business, Beijing, 100070,China)

  [Abstract] Regarding the company in establishment, it exists some bigger dispute about the outset time, the Initiator’s duty and so on. In principle said, the company in establishment will be established just when the agreement becomes effective. It can be divided into two kinds of situations about the legal liability of company in establishment: the civil liability when establishment defeat and the civil liability when it sets up successfully. Moreover, we should establish the registration system to manage the company in establishment.

  [Key word]: company in establishment civil liability establishment Registration


  一、 设立中公司的起始时间

  关于设立中的公司起始时间,理论界存在不同的看法。综合起来主要观点有:第一,起始于发起人协议签订时;第二,起始于公司章程制定时。如“设立中公司是指在公司章程制定后至公司登记注册完成、依法成立前的公司雏形”;第三,起始于公司名称登记时。如“所谓设立中公司,系指公司名称取得时起至设立登记完成前尚未取得法人资格之公司”。 “发起人协议签订时、”“公司章程制定时”和“公司名称取得时”等起始时间不同,设立中公司的存续期间不同,其所涉及的设立行为、法律责任就有较大不同。